SAME/NEXT DAY APPOINTMENTS MAY BE AVAILABLE Primary care doctor Miami Family Practice Physician
SAME/NEXT DAY APPOINTMENTS MAY BE AVAILABLE Primary care doctor Miami Family Practice Physician
At CIMA Health we offer STD testing. We will collect blood and urine and send it out to the lab for analysis. We usually call you in a few days with results. If any of the tests are positive we will have you come back in for treatment.
Depending on the results of your tests, you may need treatment. At CIMA Health we can treat most types of STDs right in the office and you can walk out with your meds in hand same day.
HIV/AIDs – This virus attacks your immune system and lets infections which would otherwise be harmless damage your body. There is no cure for this however can be treated. Some people elect to take Pre-exposure prophylaxis or PREP. At CIMA Health we offer this medical plan.
HPV – Human papilloma virus – This is the virus that can cause cervical cancer in females, in a male it is usually dormant in a carrier state, however can cause penile warts and penile cancer. Best way is to prevent this with the Gardasil vaccine. At CIMA Health we offer Gardasil vaccine in our office.
Gonorrhea/Chlamydia – usually causes discharge from penis or vagina, can cause burning with urination , or can have no symptoms at all. If left untreated can cause infertility and other serious illness, This is treated at CIMA Health with a single injection and pills taken right in the office.
Herpes type 2 -Herpes is a virus that causes painful sores on penis or vagina, It can be treated but the virus can never fully be removed from your system. There are pills we can prescribe to prevent and treat your out breaks.
Use of condoms and regularly undergoing STD screening if you are sexually active is the best way to prevent complications of sexually transmitted diseases. Many of these diseases have no symptoms at all so testing should be done at least once a year especially if you are engaging in unprotected sex.